Design & Technology
To nurture Zhonghuarians to be passionate learners in pursuit of excellence, dynamic and resilient leaders with a passion for innovation, and cultured and caring citizens who place importance in sustaining the environment.
Key Programme
Lower secondary students will be learning Design and Technology for 1 semester at each level. There is no theory examination. All course work components will be computed in the final grade. Students will experience authentic design opportunities while they learn different idea generation techniques. At secondary 2, students will be explicitly taught the Design Thinking Process as they embark on different sketching and making activities to solve the real-life design opportunities that they have chosen. Students will get to work with all three resistant materials – wood, metal and plastic – throughout their D&T experience in lower secondary.
Upper secondary students will get to learn about mechanisms and electronics as part of their theory examination. They will be sketching on both paper and tablet PCs as they design and make effective solutions for the design opportunities that they have defined for themselves. Through different projects, our upper secondary D&T students will get to learn special processes, such as using the lathe machine and milling machine, vacuum forming process and the blow moulding process with different resistant materials in our workshop. On top of that, our upper secondary students will get the opportunity to learn CAD program and work with our 3D printers.