Discipline Approach
Discipline in Zhonghua Secondary School is one that is not punitive but
seeks to inculcate values and develop students holistically. The school
uses Restorative Practice (RP) as a key approach when managing discipline
related issues.
Restorative Practice (RP) is an approach that aims to:
manage conflict and tension by repairing harm and strengthening relationship as a way of building community;
promote building respectful and trusting relationship as a foundation for teaching and learning; and
provide an opportunity for students to learn about the consequences of their actions, develop empathy and work out a resolution.
Students are guided through a series of reflective questions that enable them to realise their wrongdoing and work out possible resolutions.
We aim to support the child and educate him/her of any wrongdoing. As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”. Thus, we will involve parents when necessary to support and educate the child as we recognise that parents are our important stakeholders and play an important part in bringing up the child. We will also re-direct every child’s focus from “not doing it wrong” to “doing it right”.
We seek to ensure that the school is a safe and conducive environment for both teachers and students so that teaching and learning can take place in the classroom.
Expected Grooming and Attire Standards
1. All students’ hair should be of natural colour.
2. Boys’ hair should not be funky or of inappropriate hairstyle such as
overlapped, Mohawk etc.
3. Girls’ hair should be tied neatly with a single ponytail with a brown/black
hair band or hair clips.
4. Strictly no tongue studs due to safety reasons.
5. Girls are allowed to wear one pair of identical earrings/studs of simple
black/dark colored design. It should be small sized and a non-dangle earring.
There should not be earrings/studs on extra ear holes.
6. Strictly NO Ear Accessories for BOYS – Including ear sticks, straws
7. Students should wear white canvas shoes and white school socks to school.
8. Students’ uniform (shirt, pants, skirt) should not be altered in any
Attire and Grooming
Full Uniform

PE Attire


Girls with Short Hair

Girls with Long Hair

Responsible Usage of Electronic Devices
Students are strongly encouraged not to bring expensive electronic devices to school. If students choose to bring these electronic devices to school, it is at their own risk and they must be responsible for their own electronic devices.
Electronic devices such as mobile phones and accessories (such as earphones, air pods, if brought, must not be used anywhere on the school premises except in the school canteen after school hours.
All students must keep their mobile devices in their locker throughout the day. They should only retrieve their mobile devices at the end of their lessons.
The use of electronic devices such as mobile phones and accessories anywhere else in the school at any other time is strictly forbidden. A breach of this rule would result in the electronic device being temporarily retained by the Student Management Committee.
Students who use their mobile phones inappropriately and violate the code of conduct for cyber wellness will have their mobile phones retained by the Student Management Committee. Inappropriate phishing behaviour includes spam, scam, attacks, accessing/possessing/circulating pornography, posting of materials that are inappropriate on any platforms.